onsdag den 25. september 2013
Jens Dinesen in a big lawsuit again in Denmark for 25 mio. this time, but dos he have this kind of money?
Jens Dinesen in a big lawsuit again in Denmark for 25 mio. this time, but dos he have this kind of money?
Jens Dinesen of Denmark tried to represent himself in court in several trials, since he can not get some lawyers to represent him when his methods and cases are hopeless. But Jens Dinesen has now found a new lawyer who lives in Monaco as below, the problem is just like Dan Shefet, lawyer, that they can not bear the name of lawyer in Denmark, this can by itself eyesight check on www.advokatnoeglen.dk which is register of Danish lawyers:
Christian Kirkman-Moller
Lawyer, MBA, HD
Le Virginia Plaza
15 Chemin de la Roche aux Mouettes
98000 Monaco
Mob: +45 3136 5110
email: christian@kirkman-moller.com
Jens Dinesen har i Danmark forsøgt, at repræsenterer sig selv i retten i flere retssager, da han ikke kan få nogle advokater til at reprænseter ham, da hans metoder og sager er håbløse. Men Jens Dinesen har nu fundet sig en ny Advokat som er bosat i Monaco nemlig nedenstående, problemet er blot ligesom Dan Shefet, at de ikke kan bære navnet advokat i Danmark, dette kan man ved selv syn tjekke på www.advokatnoeglen.dk som er registeret over Danske advokater :
Christian Kirkman-Moller
Advokat, MBA, HD
Le Virginia Plaza
15 Chemin de la Roche aux Mouettes
98000 Monaco
Mob.: +45 3136 5110
email: christian@kirkman-moller.com
tirsdag den 10. september 2013
English below Danish
Dear readers,
We have published an article entitled Jens Dinesen love to talk about his values and how rich he is, BUT IS IT TRUE?
We will within 8 days update article and remove the connection between Lars H. Høie and Jens Dinesen as business partners, to a victim of Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet crimes.
Kære læsere,
Vi har bragt en artikel med overskriften Jens Dinesen love to talk about his values and how rich he is, BUT IS IT TRUE ?
Vi vil inden 8 dage rette artiklen og fjerne sammenhænget mellem Lars H. Høie og Jens Dinesen som forretnings partnere, og rette det til han er et offer for Jens Dinesen og Dan Shefet ulovligheder.
please see the below documents
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Jens Dinesen |
We have published an article entitled Jens Dinesen love to talk about his values and how rich he is, BUT IS IT TRUE?
We will within 8 days update article and remove the connection between Lars H. Høie and Jens Dinesen as business partners, to a victim of Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet crimes.
Kære læsere,
Vi har bragt en artikel med overskriften Jens Dinesen love to talk about his values and how rich he is, BUT IS IT TRUE ?
Vi vil inden 8 dage rette artiklen og fjerne sammenhænget mellem Lars H. Høie og Jens Dinesen som forretnings partnere, og rette det til han er et offer for Jens Dinesen og Dan Shefet ulovligheder.
please see the below documents
torsdag den 5. september 2013
Game over Dinesen
Jens Dinesen and Charlotte
Nyhuus Dinesen now finally realizes that Monaco is game over for them.Wednesday and thursday this
week, the court of Monaco seized their values.This operation has been
planned for a long time, and had to be coordinated in a way that they could
visit all banks in Monaco on the same day, to make sure that Jens Dinesen and
Charlotte Nyhuus Dinesen would not succeed in running away from the creditors,
the same creditors that they have been running from since 1999. But now it is
over, living in the lap of luxury for others money as they have cheated
themselves to.Bailiffs have visited 16
banks, their cars, a Rolls Royce, a Ferrari and a Mercedes have been picked up
by the court, to make sure there will be no more running from creditors or
courts.During the upcoming week we
have been told that the court will issue an injunction for them to reside in
Monaco, also the court will write to the owner of the apartment they live in,
to take out a mortgage in their deposit and bailiff will visit the family to
seize their home contents etc. Jens Dinesen is sentenced to owe over 64 millions
to angry creditors, his exwife, several old friends and business colleagues.
The Dinesen family has cheated them all.
Jens Dinesen & Charlotte Nyhuus Dinesen |
The creditors' representative
Kristian Holm tells us that this is just the beginning, we have also pledged
and secured values in several other countries. Though he is unsure that they
will find all 65 millions. He expect Jens Dinesen and Charlotte Nyhuus Dinesen to
be good for 10-12 million. He continues, but little also have a right, and he
is sure the 9 families who have the overall claim of 65 millions., Everyone
will smile when they hear his yacht, his cars, their furniture, their bank
accounts' as well as properties in Monaco and France now is firmly secured so
that creditors can get some of their money back.
It will be interesting to
know if their attorney Dan Shefet, will continue working for them, now that
they can not pay their bills anymore!
Jens Dinesen og Charlotte
Nyhuus Dinesen må vidst indse at Monaco er slut for dem, onsdag og torsdag denne
uge har retten i Monaco beslaglagt deres værdier.
Oparationen har været længe
undervejs, og skulle koordineres da alle banker i Monaco skulle besøges på én
dag, så Jens Dinesen og Charlotte Nyhuus Dinesen ikke havde mulighed for at
undslippe de vrede kreditorer som de nu har forsøgt at gemme sig for siden
1999. Men nu er det slut, med at leve i sus og dus for andres penge som de har
snydt sig til.
16 banker har haft besøg af
fogeden, deres biler, en Rolls Royce, en Ferrari og en Mercedes er blevet
afhentet, for at det ikke skal lykkes dem at flygte mere.
I løbet af den kommende uge
har vi fået fortalt at retten vil udstede et forbud til dem om ophold i Monaco,
ligeledes vil retten skrive til ejeren af lejligheden de bor i om at udtage
pant i deres depositum, samt foged vil besøge familien for at tage pant i deres
Jens Dinesen er idømt
at skylde over 64 mio. til vrede kreditorer, eksonen, flere gamle venner og
forretnings kollegaer som er blevet snydt af familien Dinesen.
Kreditorernes repræsentant Kristian
Holm udtaler, dette er kun begyndelsen, vi har ligeledes pantsat og sikret
værdier i flere andre lande, men han udtaler også at de ikke forventer at finde
alle 65 mio. Da Jens Dinesen og Charlotte Nyhuus Dinesen vurderes kun at være
gode for 10-12 mio. Han fortsætter, men lidt har også ret, og han er sikker på at
de 9 familier som har det samlede krav på over 65 mio., alle vil smile når de
hører hans yacht, hans biler, deres indbo, deres bankkonti samt ejendomme i
Monaco og Frankrig nu endeligt er sikret, så kreditorerne kan få en del af
deres penge.
./. dokumentation er
Det bliver spændende om
deres advokat Dan Shefet vil fortsætte med at arbejde for dem, nu hvor de ikke
kan betale deres advokatregninger mere.
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Copy of arrest made to all Monaco banks about Jens Dinesen & Charlotte Nyhuus Dinesen |
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Copy of the arrest made to all Monaco Bank about the Jens Dinesen & Charlotte Nyhuus Dinesen |
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Copy of court for arrest in they Dinesen Cars |
Facts about Mik Arman Decaulaincourt
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Mik Decaulaincort |
Fraud in Mougins Staring Jens Dinesen, Dan Shefet og Mik Decaulaincourt
Danish & English
Mik Armand Decaulaincourt valgte i 2008, da hans ejendomsportefølge i Danmark fik opsagt alle deres lån hos Hafnia til øjeblikkeligt indfrielse, at skifte sit navn til Napoleons højre hånd ved navn Armand Augustin Louis Decaulaincourt. Efterfølgende fik Mik Decaulaincourt store alkohol problemer, som gjorde hans kone til sidst valgte at forlade ham grundet hustru vold og alkohol misbrug.
Mik Decaulaincort mødte Jens Dinesen og Dan Shefet i 2009, og sammen lagde de en plan for hvordan de sammen kunne snyde Mik Decaulaincourt kreditorer, og Mik Decaulaincourt kunne få nogle kontanter her og nu, til at forsætte hans levestil og alkohol misbrug.
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Jens Dinesen |
Dette er selvfølgelig anmeldt til myndighederne, samt til de kreditorer Mik Decaulaincourt har forsøgt at snyde og bedrage i samarbejde med
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Jens Dinesen |
Men her stopper det ikke, for Mik Decaulaincourt vælger også at, overdrage byggetilladelsen samt en masse indkøbte materialer til Jens Dinesen, som han straks har flyttet fra ejendommen i Mougins.
Vi har fået at vide af Danske Banks advokat i Antibes som fører sagen, at de nu har vundet denne sag imod Jens Dinesen og Dan Shefet, at deres lejekontrakt er annuleret af retten i Grasse i december 2012. Så Jens Dinesen og Dan Shefet må igen indse at
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Dan Shefet |
Kort før Jens Dinesen tabte retssagen omkring huset i Mougins, forsøgte Jens Dinesen, Dan Shefet og Mik Decaulaincourt at, smide den nye lejer ud, med hjælp fra Den Serbiske Mafia, da de jo ødelagde deres planer om de skulle snyde bankerne for en masse penge ved at købe huset billigt på tvangsauktion, men den nye lejer var ret faktisk begyndt at, istandsætte huset da Mik Decaulaincourt i en ædru stund havde været fornuftig sammen med sin kone at indgå en aftale om de skulle bygge huset færdigt, og at Mik og Luise når huset blev solgt ville få 30% af overskuddet. Men denne aftale passede ikke Dan Shefet og Jens Dinesen, som straks fik overtalt Mik Decaulaincourt til at forsøge at få udsat de nye lejere/istandsættere, da man ikke ønskede huset skulle fremstå pænt, tværtimod, så af denne grund blev Mafiaen tilkaldt, til at true og afpresse denne familie.
Mik Decaulaincourt fortæller også alle om han stadig ejer huset i Mougins, selv om han i Danmark modtager bistandhjælp, boligtilskud, og staten betaler hans børnepenge!
Vi bad derfor dem som gav historien om at dokumenterer dette, og vi har valgt nedenstående at bringe dele af disse papirer vi har modtaget. Men tænk jer, han har ikke betalt sine kreditorer Danske Bank, Sydbank og Hans Thygesen siden udgangen af 2008, ikke en eneste Euro! Men han fortæller gerne højlydt huset er hans, og opkræver husleje mv... Dette er skyldnersvig, bedrageri samt underslæb og bliver man dømt for dette er strafferammen 2-8 års fængsel.
Vi bad derfor dem som gav historien om at dokumenterer dette, og vi har valgt nedenstående at bringe dele af disse papirer vi har modtaget. Men tænk jer, han har ikke betalt sine kreditorer Danske Bank, Sydbank og Hans Thygesen siden udgangen af 2008, ikke en eneste Euro! Men han fortæller gerne højlydt huset er hans, og opkræver husleje mv... Dette er skyldnersvig, bedrageri samt underslæb og bliver man dømt for dette er strafferammen 2-8 års fængsel.
Trods dette har Mik Decaulaincourt alligevel i samarbejde med Jens Dinesen og Dan Shefet valgt at møde op på ejendommen I Mougins med en foged, for igen at forsøge at få kontrol over lejeindtægter og ejendommen, på trods af både kreditorer og den Franske stat har gjort udlæg i alle lejebetalinger, samt ejendommen er sat på tvangsauktion.
Tænk at en advokat kan få sig selv til at medvirke til så grov skyldnersvig og underslæb. Vi er rystet over dette på redaktionen.
Tænk at en advokat kan få sig selv til at medvirke til så grov skyldnersvig og underslæb. Vi er rystet over dette på redaktionen.
Flere af kreditorerne har på baggrund af dette valgt at politi anmelde Mik Decaulaincourt, Jens Dinesen og deres advokat Dan Shefet.
Vi er ligeledes blevet fortalt, at Mik Decaulaincourt stadig er gode venner i Danmark med en del Politi kollegaer, som han arbejdet sammen med i Gentofte politi for ca. 15 år siden.
Knud Stadsgaard, Ole Nørgaard, Henrik Christensen, Hans Ryberg, Flemming X fra PET. Alle disse er højstående Politifolk, som idag holder hånden over Mik Decaulaincourt. I Danmark det er svært at forstå at disse folk kan passe Politi opgaver, men stadig har kriminelle venner, som de endda holder hånden over, samt føder ham med fortrolige Politi oplysninger, som han bruger til at afpresse folk med.
Så døm selv Mik Decaulaincourt, og hans samarbejdes partnere, vi glæder os til at se svaret fra disse mennesker når Politiet uafhængig anklager myndighed, går ind i sagen mod Mik og hans gamle Politi venner.
Mik Armand Decaulaincourt (formerly Mik Benni Henler )
Fraud in Mougins Starring Jens Dinesen, Dan Shefet, lawyer and Mik Decaulaincourt
Mik Armand Decaulaincourt elected in 2008 , when his estate empire in Denmark was terminated, all their loans from Hafnia Bank was up for immediate redemption, to change its name to Napoleon's right hand by the name of Armand Augustin Louis Decaulaincourt . Subsequently, Mik Decaulaincourt major alcohol problems ended with his wife finally chose to leave him because of domestic violence and alcohol abuse.
Mik Decaulaincort met Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer, in 2009 , and together they laid a plan for how together they could deceive Mik Decaulaincourt creditors and Mik Decaulaincourt could get some cash here and now, to continue his lifestyle and alcohol abuse.
Mik Decaulaincourt was already bankrupt when Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer, got him to sign the lease NESS the house in Mougins, which meant Jens Dinesen rented the house that would make the house unattractive to buyers at a foreclosure auction . Also Mik Decaulaincourt let Jens Dinesen remove all his values such as a Napoleon collection , furniture, cars, etc. . as creditors had nothing to come after.
Furthermore, Mik Decaulaincourt allowed, Jens Dinesen removing close to 120 m2 of land from properties that have destroyed the entire irrigation system , as well Jens Dinesen has shifted its contaminated soil from illegal basement excavations at addresses 38 Route de Serra Capeou , Le Cannet and 5 Avenue des Fleurs, Cannes in France.
This is of course reported to the authorities and to the creditors Mik Decaulaincourt have tried to cheat and deceive in cooperation with Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer .
But that is not it, Mik Decaulaincourt also choose to, assign building permit and a lot of purchased materials to Jens Dinesen, witch he immediately moved from the property in Mougins.
We have been told by Danske banks lawyers in Antibes, leading case that they have now won this case against Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer, that their lease is canceled by the court of Grasse in December 2012.
So Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer, must again realize that their illegal leases , to try to get creditors to resemble heavy losses, fails like it did with the castle in Cannes Suquet, and Tom Høghs chateau in St. Tropez. All places Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer, tried the same methods.
Shortly before, Jens Dinesen lost the court around the house in Mougins, Jens Dinesen, Dan Shefet, lawyer, and Mik Decaulaincourt tried to throw the new tenant out, with help of the Serbian Mafia , since they destroyed their plans about they had to cheat banks for a lot of money by buying the house cheaply at an auction, but the new tenant was entitled actually started , renovate the house when Mik Decaulaincourt in a sober moment had been sensible with his wife to reach an agreement if they should finish building the house and that Mik and Luise when the house was sold would get 30 % of profits. However, this agreement did not fit Dan Shefet, lawyer, and Jens Dinesen, who promptly persuaded Mik Decaulaincourt to try to postpone the new tenants because they did not want the house to stand out nicely , on the contrary , so for this reason was the Mafia summoned to threaten and blackmail the family.
Mik Decaulaincourt also tells everyone he still owns the house in Mougins, although he receive assistance help, housing subsidiesin Denmark and government pays his child support !
We therefore asked them who gave the story to prove it, and we have chosen to bring parts of these papers we have received . He has not paid hes creditors Danish Bank , Sydbank and Hans Thygesen since the end of 2008 , not a single Euro! But he is happy to talk loudly that the house is his , and collect rents, etc. ... This is fraud against creditors , fraud and embezzlement , and you will be convicted of this is punishable by 2-8 years in prison.
Despite this, Mik Decaulaincourt anyway in collaboration with Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer, decided to show up at the property in Mougins with a bailiff , again to try to gain control of rents and property, in spite of both the creditors and the French government has made disbursements all rent payments , and the property is set at auction .
Think that a lawyer can bring thimself to contribute to the gross debtor fraud and embezzlement . We are appalledat that as the editors.
Several of creditors on the basis of this selected to the police Mik Decaulaincourt , Jens Dinesen and their attorney Dan Shefet, lawyer .
We have also been told that Mik Decaulaincourt still good friends in Denmark with some police colleagues who he worked with in Gentofte police for approx. 15 years ago.
Knud Stadsgaard , Ole Norgaard, Henrik Christensen , Hans Ryberg , Flemming X from PET. All these are Police at the high end , which today holds the hand over Mik Decaulaincourt . In Denmark it is hard to understand that these people can fit police tasks , but still has criminal friends that they even hold your hand over and feeds him with confidential police information which he uses to blackmail people.
Så døm selv Mik Decaulaincourt, og hans samarbejdes partnere, vi glæder os til at se svaret fra disse mennesker når Politiet uafhængig anklager myndighed, går ind i sagen mod Mik og hans gamle Politi venner.
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Kopi af Brev til Mik Decaulaincort hvor det tydeligt fremgår Politiet og andre søger efter ham. |
Mik Armand Decaulaincourt (formerly Mik Benni Henler )
Fraud in Mougins Starring Jens Dinesen, Dan Shefet, lawyer and Mik Decaulaincourt
Mik Armand Decaulaincourt elected in 2008 , when his estate empire in Denmark was terminated, all their loans from Hafnia Bank was up for immediate redemption, to change its name to Napoleon's right hand by the name of Armand Augustin Louis Decaulaincourt . Subsequently, Mik Decaulaincourt major alcohol problems ended with his wife finally chose to leave him because of domestic violence and alcohol abuse.
Mik Decaulaincort met Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer, in 2009 , and together they laid a plan for how together they could deceive Mik Decaulaincourt creditors and Mik Decaulaincourt could get some cash here and now, to continue his lifestyle and alcohol abuse.
Mik Decaulaincourt was already bankrupt when Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer, got him to sign the lease NESS the house in Mougins, which meant Jens Dinesen rented the house that would make the house unattractive to buyers at a foreclosure auction . Also Mik Decaulaincourt let Jens Dinesen remove all his values such as a Napoleon collection , furniture, cars, etc. . as creditors had nothing to come after.
Furthermore, Mik Decaulaincourt allowed, Jens Dinesen removing close to 120 m2 of land from properties that have destroyed the entire irrigation system , as well Jens Dinesen has shifted its contaminated soil from illegal basement excavations at addresses 38 Route de Serra Capeou , Le Cannet and 5 Avenue des Fleurs, Cannes in France.
This is of course reported to the authorities and to the creditors Mik Decaulaincourt have tried to cheat and deceive in cooperation with Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer .
But that is not it, Mik Decaulaincourt also choose to, assign building permit and a lot of purchased materials to Jens Dinesen, witch he immediately moved from the property in Mougins.
We have been told by Danske banks lawyers in Antibes, leading case that they have now won this case against Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer, that their lease is canceled by the court of Grasse in December 2012.
So Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer, must again realize that their illegal leases , to try to get creditors to resemble heavy losses, fails like it did with the castle in Cannes Suquet, and Tom Høghs chateau in St. Tropez. All places Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer, tried the same methods.
Shortly before, Jens Dinesen lost the court around the house in Mougins, Jens Dinesen, Dan Shefet, lawyer, and Mik Decaulaincourt tried to throw the new tenant out, with help of the Serbian Mafia , since they destroyed their plans about they had to cheat banks for a lot of money by buying the house cheaply at an auction, but the new tenant was entitled actually started , renovate the house when Mik Decaulaincourt in a sober moment had been sensible with his wife to reach an agreement if they should finish building the house and that Mik and Luise when the house was sold would get 30 % of profits. However, this agreement did not fit Dan Shefet, lawyer, and Jens Dinesen, who promptly persuaded Mik Decaulaincourt to try to postpone the new tenants because they did not want the house to stand out nicely , on the contrary , so for this reason was the Mafia summoned to threaten and blackmail the family.
Mik Decaulaincourt also tells everyone he still owns the house in Mougins, although he receive assistance help, housing subsidiesin Denmark and government pays his child support !
We therefore asked them who gave the story to prove it, and we have chosen to bring parts of these papers we have received . He has not paid hes creditors Danish Bank , Sydbank and Hans Thygesen since the end of 2008 , not a single Euro! But he is happy to talk loudly that the house is his , and collect rents, etc. ... This is fraud against creditors , fraud and embezzlement , and you will be convicted of this is punishable by 2-8 years in prison.
Despite this, Mik Decaulaincourt anyway in collaboration with Jens Dinesen and Dan Shefet, lawyer, decided to show up at the property in Mougins with a bailiff , again to try to gain control of rents and property, in spite of both the creditors and the French government has made disbursements all rent payments , and the property is set at auction .
Think that a lawyer can bring thimself to contribute to the gross debtor fraud and embezzlement . We are appalledat that as the editors.
Several of creditors on the basis of this selected to the police Mik Decaulaincourt , Jens Dinesen and their attorney Dan Shefet, lawyer .
We have also been told that Mik Decaulaincourt still good friends in Denmark with some police colleagues who he worked with in Gentofte police for approx. 15 years ago.
Knud Stadsgaard , Ole Norgaard, Henrik Christensen , Hans Ryberg , Flemming X from PET. All these are Police at the high end , which today holds the hand over Mik Decaulaincourt . In Denmark it is hard to understand that these people can fit police tasks , but still has criminal friends that they even hold your hand over and feeds him with confidential police information which he uses to blackmail people.
onsdag den 4. september 2013
Lawsuit Against Gossip Monaco?
Retssag mod Gossip Monaco ?
Vi har fået et spørgsmål fra Henrik Groenning Andersen som spørg, jeg har hørt Jens Dinesen og hans advokat vil sagsøge jer ?
Kære Henrik Groenning Andersen ( som arbejder for Erik Martin Kofoed i Michael Crossley-Whright hus i Valberg )
Så frem Jens Dinesen eller hans advokat skulle true GOSSIP MONACO så er i mere end velkommen, så skriver kun sande ting som vi har dokumentation for, og gengiver andre aviser / medier historier som har været bragt tidligere, så oversætter vi det blot.
Skulle vi dog en dag tabe en retssag mod Dan Shefet eller Jens Dinesen så har vi fået Kristian Holm godkendelse til det bare kan fratrækkes de 65 mio. som de allerede skylder.
så deres advokat breve tager vi med sindsro.
Gossip Monaco
Lawsuit Against Gossip Monaco?
We have got a question from Henrik Grønning Andersen ask, I have heard Jens Dinesen and his lawyer will sue Us?
Dear Henrik Grønning Andersen (who works for Erik Martin Kofoed in Michael Crossley-Whright house in Valberg)
Jens Dinesen or his lawyer should threaten GOSSIP MONACO they are more than welcome, we write only true thing that we have evidence for, and renders other newspapers / media stories that have been brought earlier, so we translate it simply.
Should we one day lose a lawsuit against Dan Shefet, lawyer or Jens Dinesen so we've got Kristian Holm approval for it just may be deducted from the 65 million. they already owe.
So their lawyer letters we take with equanimity.
Gossip Monaco
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Henrik Groening Andersen |
Vi har fået et spørgsmål fra Henrik Groenning Andersen som spørg, jeg har hørt Jens Dinesen og hans advokat vil sagsøge jer ?
Kære Henrik Groenning Andersen ( som arbejder for Erik Martin Kofoed i Michael Crossley-Whright hus i Valberg )
Så frem Jens Dinesen eller hans advokat skulle true GOSSIP MONACO så er i mere end velkommen, så skriver kun sande ting som vi har dokumentation for, og gengiver andre aviser / medier historier som har været bragt tidligere, så oversætter vi det blot.
Skulle vi dog en dag tabe en retssag mod Dan Shefet eller Jens Dinesen så har vi fået Kristian Holm godkendelse til det bare kan fratrækkes de 65 mio. som de allerede skylder.
så deres advokat breve tager vi med sindsro.
Gossip Monaco
Lawsuit Against Gossip Monaco?
We have got a question from Henrik Grønning Andersen ask, I have heard Jens Dinesen and his lawyer will sue Us?
Dear Henrik Grønning Andersen (who works for Erik Martin Kofoed in Michael Crossley-Whright house in Valberg)
Jens Dinesen or his lawyer should threaten GOSSIP MONACO they are more than welcome, we write only true thing that we have evidence for, and renders other newspapers / media stories that have been brought earlier, so we translate it simply.
Should we one day lose a lawsuit against Dan Shefet, lawyer or Jens Dinesen so we've got Kristian Holm approval for it just may be deducted from the 65 million. they already owe.
So their lawyer letters we take with equanimity.
Gossip Monaco
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